February 18, 2025
traditional label printers

A label printer, is a rather simple device that is used to print numerous things, from labels to bills, receipts, product tags and much more. These tags or receipts can be used to identify, separate and organise products but mainly label printers, print out bills, receipts or labels, containing product and purchase details, that are pasted on items, meant to be shipped or sold. Traditional label printers use ink and paper, however the ink in these printers is considered to be highly toxic to the user and is also non biodegradable and uses precious fossil fuels to be made. These same label printers also require a special quality paper to print on and cannot work on recycled paper. Both of these factors raise serious concerns about the use of label makers and printers, since these products are found in every single office or firm, irrespective of their size.

If a firm has a product to sell, it shall have a label maker to print the details. In order to prevent this problem and take a step towards a healthier environment, thermal label printer swere introduced. These printers, do not require ink but rather work on heat to print and produce labels. Another pro of a thermal label maker, is that certain selected variants can operate on recycled paper as well.

thermal label printer

Mechanism of a thermal label printer

A thermal label printer, functions on a special type of dye that activates and turns black when exposed to heat.This phenomenon is responsible for images and texts being printed on paper, using a thermal label printer.

A thermal label printer, does not rely on ink, therefore eliminating the need of refills and hence proving to be more cost efficient than a normal label printer. Due to their compact sizes and easy mobility, thermal label printers are also a great option for businesses that require travelling.

How thermal label printers prevent global warming?

A direct thermal label printer is much more eco friendly as compared to it’s traditional counterpart. This is because a thermal label printer produces a significantly less amount of carbon footprint. What goes without saying is that the non recyclable waste generated is also a minimal and an almost negligible amount.

The pros of a thermal label printer outweigh the cons by a great margin and this device is often considered a one time investment by any buyer, that not only proves to be great for the pocket, but even better for the environment.